Meet Luther

Who Am I?

I'm Luther Joyner Jr. from Philadelphia Pa. where I grew up as a foster child. My situation showed me how important decisions are in life. I am a visionary who loves helping people stay healthy while growing their dream business.

I made some bad choices like we all have. But the choice to build my first business while ignoring my health was awful

More about who I am...

Along the way, I lost a business partner from bad health. They were only in their mid-40s.

That was the wake-up call!

I learned the essence of a wealthy business is a healthy business. But none of my entrepreneurial friends were practicing in this.

I had to learn outside of my circle of friends and colleagues the details of a healthy business. I found out how health affected my wealth.

I developed the skills needed to grow wealth through healthy living.

It took much coaching and direction from other like-minded people to cover my blind spots.

The details of how my health affected my wealth became very clear.

More about who I am...

This new way of living lead to good thinking and great business decisions.

I was excited and wanted to transfer this information to my entrepreneurial friends.

But as the CEO of my own company, I knew that was more than just a decision for my friends.

It would be a culture change and I would need to be a live example.

So, I slowly showing them my growth.

Soon they realized it took being healthy if they wanted a wealthy lifestyle.

I’ve learned to navigate this healthy culture and am excited to coach and lead others.

I coach other entrepreneurs who are growing businesses to be better thinkers.

The first question I ask is,

“How is your health”?

Being part of this healthy-wealthy culture is life-changing.

To grow wealth through health you need someone to cover the blind spots.

We first start with good sleep, the foundation of body recovery

Don’t click if healthy thinking is not your goal.

Or Click if you want to raise your knowledge

Click the Sleep Now button below

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"Your Wealth In Business Is Your Health"


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